Get All the Deets About Dry Brushing

This is the first in a 3 part series. Make sure to follow up the next 2 posts for a complete breakdown of dry brushing.

You may have heard of dry brushing, and you may know you want to do it as part of your regular skincare routine. What you may not know is what the overall benefits are of this technique. You may know that it removes dry skin, but you may not know what dry skin brushing offer that you can't get from other dry skin removal methods. Here are some of those benefits to consider about your new dry skin brushing routine.


Benefit #1 Your Lymphatic System


One of the key benefits of dry brushing occurs in the lymphatic system. This is an important benefit because this system helps remove cellular waste. The dry brushing technique helps open the cells and the system to cycling the waste out and to rebuilding the skin and cellular system. It helps prevent blockage in this system as well. Think of it as opening up blocked pores and making sure that things are cycling out properly and allowing the area to be cleaned properly as well.


Benefit #2 Improved Circulation


Poor circulation can cause a number of problems with the skin including a build-up of toxins and fat in certain areas. The increase in circulation that is caused by the dry brushing technique can help stimulate your cells just like with the lymphatic system. This increased circulation helps with the removal of metabolic waste from the body which can help the skin distribute natural oils making the skin softer and smoother over time without the need for over the counter lotions that can have harmful chemicals and ingredients.


Benefit #3 Stress Relief


Another leading benefit to dry brushing is the ability to add a new level of stress relief to your routine. The act of dry brushing can stimulate the skin and help release tension throughout the body without a hard massage or deep tissue option. Following the dry brushing with a hot shower can also help relieve even more tension and stress. Ideally, you would follow all of that with something equally relaxing like alone time or mediation. Although I must confess I usually do this at the start of my day.


These benefits can help people with mild to moderate skin irritation and issues. If you have more serious issues, you may want to consult a doctor before starting the dry brushing technique in your routine. They can guide you to how often you should be doing it and if there are any additional steps you need to take in your routine.

Curious about what kind of brush to get? I have included one here from Amazon that has soft bristles to get you started.


If you are feeling called to take the next step, contact me to set up a clarity call. Together we will discuss your healing journey, and make an action plan to get you to your goal.

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-   Dr. Lara


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Dry Brushing Part 2: The How To


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