Light Body Life Coaching

Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and lasting transformation?

Look no further than Light Body Life Coaching, where we offer a holistic approach to achieving your weight loss and health goals.

Our transformative coaching program, guided by the expertise of Dr. Lara May, empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and experience remarkable changes in every facet of their lives.

Our methodology is rooted in a proven framework that transcends mere weight loss; it's about embracing a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. Dr. Lara May, a certified life coach, will collaborate closely with you to identify and address the underlying beliefs and thoughts that may have hindered your progress thus far. Through her guidance, you'll find the strength to make powerful choices and take inspired action.

Previous clients have witnessed remarkable transformations, including significant weight loss, enhanced energy levels, and newfound self-confidence. Their testimonials stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our approach.

Dr. Lara May is not your average life coach. She holds certification from The Life Coach School, which demands rigorous training and ensures that she possesses the knowledge and experience needed to guide you toward success. With her unwavering support, you'll conquer obstacles, stay motivated, and remain steadfast on your journey to achieving your weight loss and health goals.

Don't wait any longer to transform your body and life. Embrace the Light Body Life Coaching experience and embark on a path to lasting well-being and personal growth.


The Light Body Life Session Can Help:


Achieve your weight loss goals through personalized coaching and strategies tailored to your unique needs.


Learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle long-term, ensuring lasting results.


Identify and address the underlying beliefs and thought patterns that have held you back from achieving your health and wellness objectives.


Develop the confidence and inner strength to make powerful choices that support your well-being.


Gain the motivation and guidance needed to take inspired action towards your health and life goals.


Experience a boost in self-confidence as you make progress and see positive changes in your body and life.


Discover how to increase your energy levels, leading to a more vibrant and active lifestyle.


Learn stress management techniques to better cope with life's challenges and reduce the impact of stress on your health.


Enhance your relationships by building better communication and emotional resilience.


Achieve a holistic sense of well-being, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional health for a happier and more fulfilling life.


Sessions can be either 30 or 60 minutes based on your goals and needs.

If you’d like to create a custom package please email directly at

"The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been how I approach situations that are triggers for me. I feel with Lara's help I am 100% more confident with the tools she has helped me gain. These are lifetime helps that I am grateful for and ones that conventional therapy couldn't communicate."

– Leigh

" I would describe Lara as my greatest supporter! Her desire & will to help me with a beautiful Cosmic Force she has a gift as being able to listen, synthesizing what I express, & creatively constructing tools that help me understand and learn the way she can break stuff down & reorganize it for me to carry with me outside of our coaching sessions is rad.”

– Jesse

"Lara is knowledgeable and caring, and very compassionate, she listens to your questions and concerns and provides non-bias information to help you make the best decisions for your situation. If she doesn't have the information on hand she takes the time to do the research and come back to you with her findings."

– Eliza