Dr. Lara May

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New Moon Ritual for Cutting Cords, Attachments & Moving On

It can be hard to let go of old hurts or even ongoing hurts. Holding a grudge can be relatively easy compared to forgiving and letting go. Because let’s face it at least you know what to expect by holding onto that anger and hurt. Forgiving, however, and moving on opens you up to the unknown. And there is nothing that the ego-mind hates more than the unknown.

Have you ever heard that the moon is a symbol of our emotions? The human body is more than just a physical body interacting with other physical things and people. It is a body of energy, that is constantly interacting and connecting with others (even when you are unaware of it). The moon has a powerful effect on our emotions, and there are practical things you can do to flow with the lunar rhythms, rather than against them.

When you interact with people that hurt you or energy vampires (those that take more than they give), this can bring in challenges to your life. Stepping outside your comfort zone and dissolving these attachments and cutting ties can be tough.


Relationships are essentially a melding of auras. Romantic relationships are often dominated by the “love” aura, and close friendships have an aura of loyalty and intimacy. Because those auras linger even after the relationship ends, we mistakenly think those feelings remain as well. However, relationships need more than just auras to be sustainable; they need compatibility, understanding, and respect. There are so many times when these are not there, but there is a blindness to their absence.

How to Perform a New Moon “Ties Cutting Ceremony”

The moon is a celestial body that can help us tap into our spiritual side, and a new moon especially is a perfect opportunity to do this. There is a particular aura about a new moon that facilitates spirituality, an awareness of emotions, and a connection with the energy of the universe. This aura lends itself to the “cord-cutting ceremony,” which seeks to separate the energetic chord between you and another person so that letting go becomes easier.

The next new moon is coming up on November 26th. If you have been feeling ready to release and let go, maybe now is the time to infuse this ceremony into your life.

To conduct this ceremony, first prepare your sacred space. It will need to be a place that allows you to be quiet and still; meditate, pray, and light candles or incense. Other than that, feel free to prepare your space however and wherever you need to feel centered.


You will also need a string or a cord, preferably a black one at least nine inches long; it can be longer but should be measured in multiples of nine. You will also need either a picture of the person you wish to cut ties with or a piece of paper with his or her name on it.


Roll up the picture or paper (or both) and tie one end of the cord around each of the pieces. Using scissors, cut the cord in the middle with energetic and emotional focus. Move slowly and deliberately; visualize yourself cutting ties and emotional connections with that person.


Once you have cut the cord, dispose of both ends of the cord in separate places; you may burn them if you wish. If you lit a candle or incense, let it burn all the way down to represent the healing process.


Cutting ties with negative people, a harmful relationship, or anything or anyone who drains your energy can allow you the freedom to move forward. Life is full of change; hurt and loss are natural and inevitable. When at all possible, be proactive in letting hurt and negativity go, and cut the ties.


 If you are feeling called to take the next step in your healing journey, contact me to set up a clarity call. Together we will discuss your path, and make an action plan to get you to your goal.

If one-on-one coaching isn’t your thing, but you are ready to make a change, I have a super easy & approachable 14 day course, that will help you create healthy habits, and rid your body of toxicity and inflammation in a safe and natural way. For the price of 1 meal at a restaurant, you can start changing your life, step-by-step at your own pace over a 2 week period. Check out the 14 Days to Vibrant Health Course here.




-   Dr. Lara


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