Dr. Lara May

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Unleash Your Energy with 1 Biohack for Upgraded Mitochondria

Unleash Your Energy with This Biohack for Upgraded Mitochondria:

Increase Omega 6 and 3 Fatty Acids

Feeling drained no matter how much rest you get? The problem may lie in your mitochondria - the cellular power plants that produce your energy. The good news is optimizing mitochondrial function is within reach with a simple biohack: increasing anti-inflammatory omega fatty acids like EPA, DHA and GLA in your diet.

What Are Mitochondria And How Do They Create Energy?

Found in most cells, mitochondria are oval-shaped organelles that convert nutrients from food into ATP, the body’s main energy molecule. This process of cellular respiration involves mitochondria using oxygen to break down fats, protein and carbohydrates.

More mitochondria functioning at a higher capacity equates to greater available energy. When mitochondria get damaged and dysfunctional, fatigue, brain fog and low performance set in.

Several factors hamper mitochondria over time - oxidative stress, inflammation, high blood sugar, nutrient deficiencies, toxins, inactivity and aging. The key is reducing damage while providing nutrients to optimize mitochondrial energy output.

Increase Omega Fats to Biohack Your Mitochondria

Here’s where increasing anti-inflammatory omega fatty acids comes in. These essential fats provide building blocks to renew mitochondria membranes while combating factors that impair them.

The three most potent omega fatty acids for energizing mitochondria are:

EPA and DHA - found abundantly in oily fish. Also available in algal oil supplements. Have anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing effects.

GLA - in evening primrose, blackcurrant and borage oils. The body converts it to anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

Other Supportive Omega Fat Sources:

Chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds and hemp seeds provide ALA, a precursor your body can convert into EPA and DHA. Extra virgin olive oil delivers omega 9s with antioxidant polyphenols.

Choose wild-caught seafood, pastured eggs, grass-fed meat, and organic plant sources to limit environmental contaminants.

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics

How Do Omega Fats Optimize Mitochondrial Function?

●     EPA/DHA help form mitochondrial membranes, supporting efficient shuttling of protons and electrons for ATP synthesis.

●     Omega 3s lower levels of reactive oxygen species that damage mitochondria. They calm excessive immune activity.

●     Omega fats increase ketogenesis. Ketones serve as an alternative mitochondrial fuel source when glucose is scarce.

●     EPA/DHA improve insulin sensitivity, reducing high blood sugar’s deleterious effects on mitochondria.

●     Omega 3s turn on genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis - growth of brand new mitochondria.

●     Omega fats provide substrates for mitochondrial beta-oxidation of fatty acids to yield ATP.

●     GLA-derived anti-inflammatory prostaglandins counter excess inflammation that inhibits mitochondria.

For an extra mitochondrial boost, pair omega fats with exercise, intermittent fasting, quality sleep and antioxidants like CoQ10, ALA and PQQ. Using omega dietary biohacks primes mitochondria to produce abundant energy all day long. Be consistent, and soon you’ll power through your days with no fatigue in sight!

See, it can be simple! If you’re looking to get healthier and need support, feel free to book a FREE 30-Minute Health Discovery session with me.

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It is my privilege to be able to guide you along your healing journey. Please feel free to reply and let me know how I can be of service to you.


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(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L) 

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