Dr. Lara May

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Alternate Your Strength Training Workout With Some Yoga

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October Movement Series: Part 2 And you thought Yoga Was Just Stretching

What was once ridiculed as a bizarre fad is today seen as a more mainstream skill and many people who looked upon yoga as a stunt or physical regimen set aside for only the flexible have now accepted it as a way of life. With its combination of poses, breathing exercises and principles, Yoga, my friends is way more than just a stretching routine.

While at coffee recently with a friend, she asked why I didn’t just join the gym and I explained to her that I practice yoga and strength training at home for my exercise and really didn’t feel the need for a gym membership anymore. Her response was: “Yoga…isn’t that just stretching?”

As I told her and for those who may not know otherwise: No, Yoga is way more than just stretching or getting into supposedly awkward looking poses and positions. It is a combination of stretching, breathing exercises (pranyama), meditation and perhaps the most overlooked limb, adherence to a proper diet. The word yoga, from the Sanskrit word yuj means to yoke or bind and is often interpreted as a "union" or a method of discipline. Its ultimate goal is the union of man with God or the universe in one breath. Furthermore, it aims to liberate the spirit as the mind and spirit are equally involved in its practice.

Yoga is indeed the oldest existing physical-culture system in the world. Besides being a systematic and scientifically proven path to attaining physical fitness, it delays aging, rejuvenates and improves one’s appearance, maintains suppleness and increases vitality and the creative part of life. With its core warm-up exercises known as the Sun Salutations (which are somewhat similar to the calisthenics exercise known as ‘burpees’), the inversion poses, forward and backward bending poses, balancing exercises for the arms and building focus, the average practitioner will attest to the fact that for attaining fitness, Yoga can stand its own.

Think Yoga can’t help with building strength? Think again. Heck, I challenge the most adept body-builder to hold the simple yet powerful peacock-pose for 90 seconds straight. Bet you they’d crash half-way in its execution-if they make it that far.

Yoga also offers unique breathing exercises which are wonderful for patients with respiratory disorders and even singers and public speakers, moreover with its unique relaxation poses, Yoga offers a systematic means of deeply relaxing the entire body perhaps the way no other exercise can. (Keep in mind of course that several of the poses give a deep body massage not unlike the ones received in salons…just thought I should throw that in.)

With countless books, DVD’s, videos and classes being offered for all ages, levels of fitness and experience (check out YouTube for some free classes), I suggest you give it a try and see for yourself what it can do. One thing I promise you is this; you will walk out of your class and nod in agreement that indeed: “yoga is way more than just stretching.” It is THE exercise.

I hope this little burb inspires you to implement a more balanced exercise practice into your day and autumn season. Remember, it’s not about being perfect, it’s just about much we can stay in alignment with our goals. I am here for you, just a message or email away.


The holiday season fast approaching, and probably just accepting that fact brings on a wave of anxiety, dread, and hopefully a little excitement. But this year let me help you face the holidays with grace and ease. I am hosting an entire Holiday Survival Series to help you avoid the stress, stick with your healthy eating, and come out the other end feeling great! I invite you this season to be willing to open up to the possibilities of eating healthy, not getting super stressed, and overall feeling more at ease over the next two months. I am dedicating my blog and podcast to holiday thriving for all of Nov & Dec. I am also offering a special two-month group coaching program for those of you who are ready to say no to the chaos and no to the overindulging. Holiday Thrivival, will be two months of clean eating, gut healing, personal help, greater accountability, all in a loving supportive environement dedicated to your success through the holiday season. Learn more here.

To get us started and set the foundation, on October 24th at 1:30 pm PST I am hosting a free webinar “8 Ways to Drink More Water”.

Make sure to SIGN UP and start with a simple but powerful change.


-   Dr. Lara


Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page,  as well as Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.

PSS be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean or Anchor.Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.

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