Dr. Lara May

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How to Unblock the Flow of Your Inspiration

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Welcome back to Light Body Radio!

This week I found myself tired, not motivated, and completely uninspired. But I wanted to show up for you, so I decided to get real and talk about this struggle that we all have at some point. How do we unblock the flow of our inspiration? In January I said my word for 2020 would be flow. And my how has the context of that word been challenged this year! So once again I bring forth my own experiences and struggles to hopefully help you as well with similar struggles.

 So, what is inspiration? The basic definition of inspiration is

“the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. and/or a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea.”

But as with everything else in our world, it is not one dimensional. It is multifactorial. Inspiration also involves motivation, action, and creativity. There could be things, habits, or practices you are doing that is blocking the flow of your inspiration. So in today’s episode, I talk about what some of those behaviors are, and then I bring you solutions. This is a contemplative episode, in which I challenge you to take an honest look at some of the dynamics in your life, with an open and loving heart. You might want to grab a pen and paper to jot down things that come up over the next half hour.

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How to Unblock the Flow of Your Inspiration Lara May

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Hi! I'm Lara (pronounced like Sarah, but with a L). 

Are you ready to lose weight, reduce stress, and reinvigorate your life?!

Together let’s uncover your motivators for change, and turn your vision for your vibrant future into your new reality. Health coaching is a safe supportive process of aligning your dreams with your intentions, and taking small right actions toward reaching attainable goals every week. I am here to gently hold you accountable with action plans, assignments, support and feedback.