Bonus Material and Other Important Conversations

Energy Protection and Grounding

How to Shield and Ground

  • Protection and Grounding Practices

    There are many ways of shielding. The most important thing to remember is it is about intention and the belief that it really works.

21 Days Detox

Up Leveling and Ascension of your Energy

Healer Crisis

  • Ascension Symptoms

    Ascension involves the acceleration of vibrational energy and the expansion of awareness, which creates a shift in consciousness

Meeting Your Spirit Guide Team

Your Team in Spirit

  • Spirit Team

    Reiki guides are said to be practitioners from past ages that have crossed over that have ancient origins of Reiki vibrational association. Once attuned to Reiki, you are now also part of this vast network


Dr. Lara May, PharmD BCPS CFMP APh

Functional Medicine Health Coach & Intuitive Master Healer

Stephanie May, BA, LMT, CPT, RMT

Reiki Master Teacher, Massage Therapist, Therapy Exercise & Natural Pain Relief Specialist