Dr Lara's Functional Medicine Guidebook: Your Ultimate Guide to Reversing Diseases Without Medication


This comprehensive guidebook offers practical advice and holistic strategies to improve your well-being. It covers functional food testing, nutrient deficiency testing, toxin avoidance, ketogenic principles, intermittent fasting, sugar reduction, water types, the importance of exercise, a daily plan, a customized master food list, and a daily journal. Take charge of your health and reclaim your vitality with “ The Functional Medicine Guide to Success" as your trusted companion.

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Are you tired of living with constant health issues and searching for a way to reclaim your vitality? Look no further! “The Functional Medicine Guide to Success” is a comprehensive guidebook designed to be your foundation and starting point on the journey to reversing diseases and ailments. Packed with invaluable information and practical advice, this book offers a holistic approach to improving your well-being and achieving optimal health.

One of the key features of this Guidebook is its emphasis on Functional Food Testing. By understanding how certain foods affect your body, you can identify and reduce inflammation, a major contributor to various health conditions. The book provides insights into nutrient deficiency testing, empowering you to address any deficiencies and restore balance to your body.

Toxins can have a significant impact on your health, so this Guidebook educates you on which toxins to avoid. By making informed choices and minimizing exposure to harmful substances, you can support your body's natural detoxification processes.

The book also delves into the principles of the ketogenic diet, exploring how this low-carb, high-fat approach can optimize your metabolism and improve various health markers. In addition, it highlights the benefits of intermittent fasting, a practice that promotes cellular repair, weight management, and overall well-being.

Sugar has been linked to numerous health issues, and in this Guidebook it explains why it's crucial to limit sugar intake. By understanding the adverse effects of excessive sugar consumption, you can make healthier dietary choices and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.

Water is essential for our bodies, and the book discusses different types of water and their impact on our health. By recognizing the importance of proper hydration and choosing the right water sources, you can support your body's functions and overall vitality.

Exercise is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, and in this Guidebook it highlights the importance of incorporating regular physical activity into your routine. It provides insights into various exercise modalities, helping you find the right approach that suits your needs and goals.

In this comprehensive guidebook it includes "the Plan," a practical and customizable daily framework that guides you through implementing the principles outlined in the book. It also offers a master food list tailored to your specific requirements, empowering you to make informed choices about the foods you consume.

Finally, the book includes a daily journal section, allowing you to track your progress, record your experiences, and celebrate your achievements. This journal serves as a valuable tool for self-reflection and motivation on your healing journey.

With “The Functional Medicine Guide to Success” as your guide, you can take charge of your health, reverse diseases, and reclaim your vitality. Empower yourself with knowledge, implement practical strategies, and witness the transformative power of a holistic approach to well-being.