We Can Slow Down the Aging Process Naturally!

To keep with our Spring Summer “Showing Some Skin” theme let’s talk about more natural ways we can stave off the effects of getting older.

Natural products are one of the best healers available to you. They can boost your immunity, increase your energy levels and even protect against the visible signs of aging. In fact, most natural products are far more effective at giving you more beautiful, younger-looking skin than any over the counter treatment. Below are my six best natural anti-aging solutions.


Avocado is a powerful natural healer for your skin when applied topically. The healthy fats in avocado nourish and moisturize your skin while vitamin E repairs any skin damage and reduces the visible signs of aging.

To start enjoying the anti-aging benefits of avocado, simply mash up a small, ripe avocado and apply it to your face. Leave it for at least 15 minutes before removing, so that it fully nourishes your skin and gives you the maximum anti-aging benefit.


Bananas are packed full of vitamin C which helps to keep your skin elastic and free from wrinkles. They’re also rich in manganese – a mineral that’s been proven to protect against skin damage and rashes.

You can use bananas topically to give your skin a more youthful appearance in the exact same way as avocados. Just take a small, ripe banana, mash it up with a fork and spread it on your face. Keep the mashed banana on your face for a minimum of 15 minutes, so that all the nutrients and moisture can absorb into your skin.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most effective natural moisturizers you can find. It’s also filled with antioxidants that protect your skin from harmful free radicals. In addition to this, coconut oil contains active components that repair damaged skin and help you look younger.

To start getting more youthful-looking skin with coconut oil, simply rub a small amount onto your face. Your skin will instantly feel smoother and more hydrated after using the coconut oil and over time you’ll find that fine lines, wrinkles, and blemishes fade away. (This is one of my skincare mainstays.)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is another potent natural moisturizer. The secret to extra virgin olive oil’s anti-aging prowess lies in its high vitamin E content. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that protects your skin against the visible signs of aging and keeps it looking youthful.

To use extra virgin olive oil as an anti-aging solution, simply rub a small amount into your skin. For the best results, use extra virgin olive oil just before bed, so that it can deeply moisturize your skin overnight.



Honey is a great deep cleanser for your skin. It’s loaded with anti-bacterial ingredients that remove bacteria and dead skin cells and allow fresh, younger-looking skin cells to grow.

Unlike the other solutions on this list, honey is best used as a simple anti-aging facemask. Grab a tablespoon of honey, smear it over your face and leave it for at least 20 minutes. Then rinse off the honey and wash your face for instantly fresher skin.

Try this amazing Age Defying Smoothie Bowl Recipe for ageless beauty:

·       1 frozen banana

·       1/2 cup frozen cherries

·       1/2 cup almond milk

·       1/2 fresh banana cut into coins

·       fresh raspberries

·       fresh cranberries

·       1 tablespoon shell-less pumpkin seeds

·       1 tablespoon coconut flakes

·       1 teaspoon chia seeds

·       1/4 cup pomegranate seeds

·       1 tablespoon hemp seeds

Take your banana, frozen cherries, and almond milk and blend it into a liquid mixture. This is going to be the base of your smoothie bowl. You can place your banana slices to the side or simply drop them into the bowl. Put your fresh fruit into the bowl, then sprinkle the seeds and coconut flakes all over the entire bowl, and you will have a beautifully colored smoothie bowl that will keep your skin looking youthful and healthy!

Aging is inevitable but we can still feel and look our best as we get older. Right!?

What would it mean for you if you felt great in your body? If you had the clarity of mind and the energy levels to do all the things you wanted? Or maybe you are feeling lost and in need of some guidance to get you back on track.

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To start today, I have a super easy & approachable 14 day course, that will help you create healthy habits, and rid your body of toxicity and inflammation in a safe and natural way. For the price of 1 meal at a restaurant, you can start changing your life, step-by-step at your own pace over a 2 week period. Check out the 14 Days to Vibrant Health Course here.




-   Dr. Lara


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Hi! I'm Lara (pronounced like Sarah, but with a L). 

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Together let’s uncover your motivators for change, and turn your vision for your vibrant future into your new reality. Health coaching is a safe supportive process of aligning your dreams with your intentions, and taking small right actions toward reaching attainable goals every week. I am here to gently hold you accountable with action plans, assignments, support and feedback.

Lara May

Hi, I’m Lara May. I am a board certified clinical pharmacist, usui reiki master, and integrative health coach. 


Vegetables for Everyday Beauty


A Simple Daily Anti-Aging Routine Anyone Can Maintain