5 Ways Collagen Improved My Health

If you are a podcast listener of any health and wellness shows, I’m sure you have heard some take about collagen. Collagen supplements have become increasingly popular in the clean-eating movement, and for all the right reasons.  Not only do they provide regenerative protein for soothing achy joints and nutrients for your skin, but they may also improve your gut health and boost your energy levels, as well. Including collagen supplements in my daily routine has had major benefits for my energy and overall health. Here are a few more ways they can help you, too:

1.     Energy and Metabolic Boost

Supplementing your diet with collagen may help boost your metabolism and raise your energy levels. The amino acid glycine in collagen helps transfer sugar to cellular tissue, resulting in increased energy levels and better muscle development. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so there is a good chance you will see an increase in your metabolism as you increase your muscle mass.

2.     Healthy Skin & Hair

Some health professionals consider collagen “the closest thing to the fountain of youth.” Of the many benefits of taking collagen, anti-aging is the most popular one. The amino acids in collagen (proline, glycine, alanine, and hydroxyproline) improve your skin's elasticity and appearance, reducing the signs of aging. For younger, healthier-looking skin, add 1-2 scoops of collagen supplement to your smoothie or coffee each morning. I especially love chocolate collagen in my coffee. Yum!

In addition to glowing skin, when I started using collagen regularly I saw a huge improvement in my hair thickness and shine. Collagen helps build hair proteins and strengthens the skin that contains your hair roots. It may also prevent hair follicle damage and graying.


3.     Aids in Digestion

Collagen may also help heal and soothe the digestive tract by repairing its mucous lining. It promotes better food digestion by breaking down protein and fats. To maximize its digestive benefits, add 1 scoop of collagen supplement to a pre-meal beverage. This will facilitate increased protein absorption as well as hydrochloric acid production and overall better digestive function. Pure collagen is colorless and tasteless, so you could even add it to a glass of water prior to a meal.

4.     Weight Loss 

Collagen supplements provide a whopping nine grams of protein per scoop. Moreover, that protein has been shown to be more satisfying to your appetite than soy or whey proteins. As a result, you are more likely to eat less and be on your way to better weight loss.  Collagen protein is also antiinflammatory and soothing to your system, unlike whey or soy. Try adding two scoops of your collagen supplement to your morning smoothie.

5.     Healthy Joints and Bones

The amino acids in collagen supplements may help repair tissue while reducing inflammation and relieving joint pain. One of these acids, glycine, may also accelerate joint recovery. Collagen supplements may promote bone density by stimulating the osteoblasts, which are the cells responsible for bone formation. Being a lifelong athlete I need all the soothing and restoration I can get for my joints. I can definitely attest to the relief of knee pain I get from regular collagen supplementation. To relieve joint pain, reduce inflammation, and build bone density, add 2 scoops of your collagen supplement to your morning smoothie.

Collagen supplements have helped take my healthy lifestyle to a new level from the inside out. Not only do I have more energy but my hair and skin glow, and my body and joints have never felt better! I would never suggest something to you that I have not tried and this is one of those things that is now a daily staple. Try it out for yourself and see what can improve for you. The products I linked to today I do not get kickbacks from, but I do use them. They are from good sources and produce great results.

If you’re seriously interested in getting healthy, restoring your digestion, and boosting your energy then check out my new comprehensive program “Restore Your Gut Health.” In the program, you get a ton of delicious satisfying recipes, strategies that will help rebuild your intestinal flora, but will ultimately help you feel great and show up for your life in a vibrant, energetic way.

I am here for you, just a message or email away. Reach out with your questions. Sign up for a clarity call. Together we will discuss your healing journey, and make an action plan to get you to your goal.


-   Dr. Lara


Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page,  as well as Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.

PSS be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean or Anchor.Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.

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Hi! I'm Lara (pronounced like Sarah, but with a L). 

Are you ready to lose weight, reduce stress, and reinvigorate your life?!

Together let’s uncover your motivators for change, and turn your vision for your vibrant future into your new reality. Health coaching is a safe supportive process of aligning your dreams with your intentions, and taking small right actions toward reaching attainable goals every week. I am here to gently hold you accountable with action plans, assignments, support and feedback.

Lara May

Hi, I’m Lara May. I am a board certified clinical pharmacist, usui reiki master, and integrative health coach. 


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