Awareness is the Key to Stop Eating Sugar

Last week I interviewed Michael Collins, a sugar addiction expert on my podcast, Light Body Radio. (If you missed it, make sure you check it out.) We talked about the way sugar works in your brain, and how it is much more complex than just the empty calorie argument. Yes, sugar’s calories are empty because they provide no nutrient value. But more than that, sugar creates inflammation in the body and it alters your brain chemicals influencing your moods, anxiety, your pleasure senses, cravings and so much more! Cutting out sugar can be very hard, especially when you have a sweet tooth. Here is are some tips to help you stop eating sugar today.

1.     Start slow and take baby steps:

Michael and I spoke at length about the cold turkey vs the gradual phase-out approach. He is in the cold turkey camp. But if you are not mentally ready for the sugar withdrawals, then maybe the gradual phase-out approach my serve you better.

Many people who try to cut out all sugar from their diet at once fail, because those cravings come back with a vengeance. It ends up feeling more like a punishment than an accomplishment. Instead of completely cutting out all sugar from your diet at one time, start controlling the amount of sugar you DO consume. For instance, if you take three teaspoons of sugar in your tea or coffee, try cutting back to two for one week, then down to one. For that sweet tooth, start by just cutting out chocolate and candy before you abandon everything like all desserts, or just save it for special occasions.


2.     Use sugar alternatives:

Instead of using sugar when you do want it, replace it with agave nectar, or a natural sugar alternative like stevia or monk fruit

This is another controversial suggestion. Many experts suggest eliminating anything that stimulates the sweet area of your palate. While I agree that the ultimate goal is to resensitize your pallet to bitter and sour instead of so much sweet, I think that from the gradual approach switching to stevia or monk fruit is a great option that still allows things like sweetened coffee.


3.     Challenge yourself:

Some people like to challenge themselves and love the feeling of accomplishment when they fulfill that challenge. If that is you, try to challenge yourself to not to eat sugar for a week (or for a day, if you have a serious addiction.) Gradually extend your time, and celebrate each milestone.

This is a great place to cultivate your awareness. When the cravings come up, ask yourself what your body really needs instead of the sugar. Pay attention to the situations at hand when the cravings arise. Get curious. Awareness is power and allows you to repattern your brain, your choices, and your habits.


4.     Try sugar-free gum:

When sweets cravings strike, grab a piece of sugar-free gum. This will keep you occupied and satisfy the need to chew on something.


5.     Choose fruits over desserts:

Fruits are a sweet and a healthy alternative to desserts. If you feel like having cake or a favorite dessert, then grab some blueberries or any other fruit you have at your disposal. The natural sugars in the fruit will help curb those cravings and provide nourishing nutrients and fiber.


6.     Know the benefits of quitting sugar:

There are so many benefits of cutting out sugar that if you educate yourself on them you will cringe at just the thought of consuming sugar. When you cut out sugar, your cardiac health improves, your skin begins to glow, and your acne starts clearing up. Furthermore, cutting out sugar will boost your mood and you will stop feeling cranky, moody, or tired all the time. Your memory will improve and you may be able to lose the extra weight you always wanted to shed.

For me JJ Virgin’s book, “The Sugar Impact Diet” was life-changing. Another recourse can be found in last week’s podcast show notes page. Michael Collins’ book is there for you for free.


7.     Add fennel seeds to your diet:

If you just can’t shake off your sugar addiction, try adding fennel seeds to your diet. You can either add them while cooking or you can chew them raw. Fennel seeds do not contain any sugar or empty calories but they have a naturally sweet taste.


8.     Don’t start your day sweet:

According to a study by Brown, if you start your day by eating something sweet then you will crave sugar all day long. So, instead of having something sweet, have a savory breakfast. Don't even use the sugar alternatives in your breakfast.

Sugar is an addiction, and it takes time, consistency, and determination to abandon it completely. Start small and take little steps toward removing it from your diet. If you would like to start the sugar-free journey with me to guide you, then reach out and sign up for a clarity call. Together we will discuss your healing journey, and make an action plan to get you to your goal. I have a fantastic 8-week program to help you get off the sugar roller coaster forever.


-   Dr. Lara


Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page,  as well as Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.

PSS be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean or Anchor.Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.

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Hi! I'm Lara (pronounced like Sarah, but with a L). 

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Lara May

Hi, I’m Lara May. I am a board certified clinical pharmacist, usui reiki master, and integrative health coach.

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