Deep Transformation, Shifts in Consciousness, & Unexpected Miracles

Brazil’s Casa de Dom Inácio is the healing center of world-renowned João Teixeira da Faria, who is unquestionably one of the most powerful spiritual healers living today. João de Deus (John of God) has devoted his life to mediumship. Through him, spirit entities minister to the multitudes who come in search of a cure, whether physical or otherwise.

The Casa is a mecca for healing on many levels. João incorporates over 30 entities who were physicians, theologians, therapists, and notable figures in their lifetimes. João sits “in-entity” (unconscious, taken over, or "overshadowed," by an entity from the spiritual plane) scans you, sees what you need, and uses various healing methods to help with your healing. He receives all who come to see him. No matter how long the lines, no one is turned away, even if consultations must continue well into the night. As many as 3000 per day have been known to come.

Situated adjacent to a natural waterfall and on top the largest crystal plate in the world (more than 200 miles in circumference), the grounds of the John of God healing complex are a natural energy vortex — and have become even more amplified by the powerful presence of the entities.

Healing is a personal and transformative process which generally unfolds over a period of time. The healing may be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual – or all of these. Some people experience almost immediate healing; others recover over time, and some may require subsequent visits.

In addition to in-person encounters, the entities are also known to perform remote spiritual surgeries and visitations. Some individuals have experienced healing from merely watching a video of John of God, reading his story, or while en-route to the Casa in Brazil. There are numerous stories of the entities working on individuals long before they ever arrive in Brazil. A staff member at the Casa in Brazil explains, “The entities send their energy to all who ask for their help.”

I visited the Casa for the fist time this past November. The experience was one of peace, deep introspection, shifts in consciousness, and physical healing for me. It was truly transformative to experience the energetic vibrations of so many all focused and meditating for the collective purpose of healing. Obviously, every person who travels to the Casa is on their own journey, but the collective intention is the same: to heal. In this goal we all at some point sat in meditation (it’s called sitting in Current at the Casa) for the collective healing of the Earth and everyone on it, holding sacred space for the raising of the vibration of the planet.

My journey was only 2 weeks, but in that short time I was able to shift and release an unexpected amount of energetic baggage. My guide had instructed me to start focusing on my healing intentions as soon as I booked the trip (4 months prior to arrival). This process was called the “Laundry List”. A list of everything I wanted to shift, heal, or release. Once I arrived in Abadania and prepared to go in front of the Entities, I met with a translator to get my list down to 3 main intentions. These 3 things would be what I focused on and allowed myself to receive healing for, while at the Casa. As mentioned earlier the healing energies are available to all who ask, and are ready to accept the healing into their hearts. So the list serves the purpose of asking and preparing yourself for that allowing and receiving. Many of us today think of healing as a passive thing, but really it is an interactive, deliberate act, which you have to be ready to be an active participant. The processes & protocols at the Casa reinforce this active participation & deliberate intention with the added level of the Spirit Entity Healers.

Over the course of my visit to the Casa I had many emotional releases, revelations & epiphanies, many memories come up to let go, many situations & people to forgive, as well as 3-4 hour meditation sessions sitting in Current holding space for the healing of others. All of this coming through in veils and layers to be pulled back to allow more Light & Love to come in. It truly was an experience of unexpected miracles.

Another unexpected miracle while at the Casa was the Crystal Bed came into my life and subsequently into my practice at home in Lake Tahoe. I participated in many crystal bed sessions myself to aid in my healing process while at the Casa. Over the course of meeting many new people, both pilgrims (I consider all those who travel to the Casa spiritual pilgrims) and guides, there were several suggestions that I should add the healing Crystal Bed to my healing practice at home. At first I did not think much of it, but after several of these messages came through so many strangers I decided to act on what was obviously Spirit Guidance. I had to ask the Entities of the Casa for permission, and was it was granted to bring a crystal bed back to offer the healing energy of the Casa locally to the Tahoe/Reno area. I am so honored and grateful to be able to bring this service to my community and to be able to provide another level of healing for those seeking it. For more information about the sessions I offer go to

If are wanting to THRIVE, not just survive, consider working with me as your personal health coach. Together we will make an actionable plan based on where you are and where you want to be. All of my plans include a comprehensive health history, food plan, recipes, shopping lists and a plethora of support materials, not to mention all the mindfulness tools & techniques I teach you to put those gremlins to rest for good! 

I also invite you to join me on my Facebook page,,  where I’ll be sharing more information, tips and recipes to help you live a happier, healthier life.

Be sure to check out my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean or Anchor.Fm @Light Body Radio.


To your wellness,


-   Dr. Lara

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Lara May

Hi, I’m Lara May. I am a board certified clinical pharmacist, usui reiki master, and integrative health coach.

Healthy Fat-Burning Dinner Ideas


My Newest Healing Service: John of God Crystal Bed