20 Journal Prompts to Help Practice Gratitude
Learning to practice gratitude takes time and dedication and there’s no simpler way to start learning than to begin a journaling routine!
Being faced with a blank page each day can be daunting. With a few simple prompts that give you plenty of creative space, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish!
Journaling 101
Before you even get to the prompts for the day, there are a few things you want to make sure you have and are prepared for to ensure you’ll have the most productive experience.
Start with a journal or notebook that you really like! Even if it’s got pictures on the front, dots instead of lines, or you just want to do it all on sticky notes, start with a blank page that gets you excited.
Reach for a pen or pencil that fits what you like as well. It’s hard to be ready to journal and pour out all your thoughts about gratitude if you don’t like either of your writing implements.
Finally, set aside time in a quiet space where you can focus on what you’re truly grateful for in your life! Being bombarded by questions from your kids or spouse can quickly ruin the way you journal and leave you feeling like you just wasted 15 minutes of your day. Quiet reflection is the perfect space to hone in on what you’re grateful for in your daily routine!
Photo by Los Muertos Crew
Journal Prompts
Each of these prompts is a suggestion that is designed to help you reflect on what’s happening in your own life and what you have to be grateful for within that space! Some may not feel “comfortable” but push through them anyway. Moments of discomfort are where we learn to grow!
Write down one good thing that happened to you today and why it was important
Name 5 things you’re doing well
Write down something nice you did today for someone else and how it made you feel
Who in your family are you most thankful for and why?
Who or what in your life are you happy to let go of?
What are your 3 worst days? Write briefly about each day
What are your 3 best days? Write briefly about each day
Write out what the top 10 things are in your life that cause you stress. For each, write what you can do to change it
In the worst period of your life, what did you learn through the experience? How is your life better for it?
What little irritations in your life can you take less seriously? Why do they cause you so much irritation?
Find 3 people you feel that you take for granted and write how you can express more appreciation for them.
What 3 things can you do today to be a kinder person?
What are your biggest accomplishments?
Write out 5 things you love about your home
What made you laugh out loud this week?
Write about a time someone went out of their way to help you
Write about a time when you went out of your way to help someone
What 3 qualities or talents are you most grateful for in your own life?
Make a list of all the ways you’ve been fortunate
How can you continue to be more thankful?
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It is my privilege to be able to guide you along your healing journey. Please feel free to reply and let me know how I can be of service to you.
P.S.: Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page, as well as YouTube, Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.
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(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L)
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