Beat Burnout: 3 Daily Habits to Find Calm

Burnout is characterized by emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion from prolonged stress. It drains your energy, erodes passion, and negatively impacts your health and productivity.

If you feel like you’re perpetually on edge, overly tired yet unable to rest, or just emotionally tapped out, it’s time to interrupt the burnout cycle. Implement these three research-backed daily habits to restore calm and recover from burnout holistically:

Anchor Your Morning with Breathwork

How you begin each morning powerfully sets the tone for your day. Start on a calm, mindful note with a simple 5-10 minute breathwork practice.

Sit comfortably with your spine upright. Inhale smoothly and deeply through your nose, allowing your belly to expand as your diaphragm drops. Exhale just as slowly and smoothly through pursed lips, actively pushing all air out of your lungs.

Continue this belly breathing for at least 5 minutes, focusing your full attention on the breath. If thoughts intrude, gently return to the sensations of inhaling and exhaling.

This centering breathwork instantly engages the parasympathetic “rest-and-digest” nervous system, signaling your body to downshift to a state of safety, balance and restoration. Practiced daily, it builds resilience against stress.

Unplug and Immerse in Nature

Chronic stress often goes hand in hand with information overload from endless digital stimulation. Set firm boundaries and take brief tech breaks throughout your day.

Spend a portion of your lunch break away from screens by stepping outside. During warmer months, sit on the grass or take a barefoot walk. In cooler weather, stand near a window and drink in the sunlight and fresh air.

Even 5-15 minutes immersed in the natural world is deeply rejuvenating. Research shows interacting with nature balances hormones, lowers blood pressure, reduces rumination, and boosts immune defenses. Make this a daily ritual.

Photo by Blue Bird

Cultivate a Consistent Relaxation Practice

Carve out time each evening to actively calm your nervous system, allowing you to wind down and transition into restful sleep - critical for recovering from stress.

Try yoga, gentle stretching, breathwork, mindfulness meditation, forest bathing, Epsom salt baths, sipping herbal tea, using essential oils, reading fiction, listening to binaural beats, or slow journaling about emotions.

Experiment to find which practices resonate most. The key is choosing something enjoyable that clears mental clutter, settles your body, quiets your inner critic, and counters the day’s stimulation. The more you consciously relax, the better you’ll sleep and the less stress will impact you.

Start with as little as 5 minutes daily, then gradually increase your relaxation time. Prioritize self-care to come back from burnout. Be patient and trust that small steps done regularly will restore your sense of calm.

See, it can be simple! If you’re looking to get healthier and need support, feel free to book a FREE 30-Minute Health Discovery session with me.

CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 30-Minute Health Discovery Session with me. I offer personalized coaching programs to help you meet your goals. Get ready to reset your health and feel your best!

Let's talk soon!

I have 3 different memberships to support your self-care, check these out here… Whether you are looking for monthly energy healing, quarterly/seasonal detoxing, or monthly healthy eating recipes, I’ve got you covered.

If you are looking for more personalized help then you can take advantage of my Beta Life Coaching Program on sale right now for $160. 8 sessions in 8 weeks focused on whatever you need most. Here is the link to check it out…

It is my privilege to be able to guide you along your healing journey. Please feel free to reply and let me know how I can be of service to you.



P.S.: Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page,  as well as YouTube, Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.

P.S.S.: Be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, or Anchor Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.


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Hi, I'm Lara!

(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L) 

Are you ready to lose weight, reduce stress, and reinvigorate your life?! Together let’s uncover your motivators for change, and turn your vision for your vibrant future into your new reality.



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Lara May

Hi, I’m Lara May. I am a board certified clinical pharmacist, usui reiki master, and integrative health coach.

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