How to Use a Castor Oil Pack to Slim Down
I am in love with the castor oil pack. Many years ago, a very talented acupuncturist told me about castor oil packs, long before I entered my first detox school. I immediately wanted to learn more.
I began researching the benefits of the castor pack for eliminating toxins. I was simply hooked. I have all my detox-ers do this as well as my clients. I love these ancient techniques that can still be used to support the body today. They are super easy, and you can put them together on the cheap.
While a lymphatic massage or a trip to the sauna might be nice, they can also be costly. I’m telling you - all you really need is to buy castor oil and get an old t-shirt or towel.
Let's talk about simple benefits first. The castor oil pack can flush your lymphatic system {your sewage system}. The lymphatic system must get flushed daily to reduce digestive issues, edema, inflammation, the common cold, weight gain and allergies. This detox tool has been used for centuries.
This amazing detox tool can support your circulation, remove toxins and help stimulate digestion. I was hesitant to use this pack but ever since I tried it and felt the benefits for my own body, I have never stopped. I could feel my digestion stimulated, the swelling I get in my lower legs reducing, and I had a better sleep.
I’ve had an autoimmune for many years and am always on the lookout for natural ways to detox my body in the comfort of my own home. It really is key for my health. I look at the castor oil pack as an awesome detox tool that boosts my immune and is excellent for disease prevention.
We all have some toxicity - why not support your body to get rid of it?
How to Make Your Own Castor Oil Pack:
Take an old shirt and cut it into 12 x 18 inches in size and fold it into 3 thicknesses.
You want it to be about the same size as the heating pad you will be using so that the pad heats the entire pack but does not touch your skin.
Put the shirt in a pan, such as a large disposable baking pan, and pour in enough castor oil to cover.
Note that after each use you will probably need to add a little more castor oil. You can reuse the pack many times. When not in use, store your pack in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
The Simple Castor Oil Pack:
You can also put castor oil directly onto your stomach and upper abdomen. Then, wrap your stomach and upper abdomen with saran wrap and sit for 45 minutes. This is a simplified version and quite effective.
Usage Guidelines:
Use the pack in the evening before bed. Fold a towel (dedicate an old towel for this use as the oil is almost impossible to wash out completely). Take the cloth cover off of a heating pad and place the heating pad on top of the towel. It is important to heat the pack before you put it on your body.
Lie down on your back on a towel. Place the pack on your abdomen with the heating pad on top and the towel on top of that. The pack should be on the right side of your body, extending from a little bit above the bottom of your sternum (breastbone) to about 4 inches below your navel. The pack should wrap around the body on the right side, from the navel as far to the side as you can get it. Keep the pack on for 45 minutes. Use the pack for 3 days in a row. Then take a break for 4 days, and repeat.
Remember, the castor oil pack is a natural and inexpensive way to rid the organs of toxicity. Know that you are taking good care of yourself when you use the pack.
I have 3 different memberships to support your self-care, check these out here… Whether you are looking for monthly energy healing, quarterly/seasonal detoxing, or monthly healthy eating recipes, I’ve got you covered.
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(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L)
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