Top Tips to Be Mindful of The Food You’re Eating (And Why Label Reading Is Critical)
Making mindful food choices requires knowing what’s in your food. Reading labels carefully is key to being aware of ingredients and making informed choices. Here are tips to be more mindful about the food you eat and why reading labels is so important.
Read Ingredient Lists Carefully
Food labels contain a wealth of information if you know what to look for. Make reading the ingredient list a priority - it tells you everything contained in a food in order of predominance. Watch for:
-Unfamiliar additives and preservatives
-Added sugars (under names like sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, etc.)
-Inflammatory oils like corn, soybean, cottonseed and canola oil
-Artificial anything - colors, sweeteners, flavors, etc.
Understand Nutrition Label Information
The nutrition label provides key facts like calories, carbs, protein, and micronutrients per serving. But remember - ingredients come first. An item could be low-calorie but made with inflammatory or artificial additives. Always check both the ingredient list and nutrition labels.
Photo by BrianAJackson
Look For Hidden Sugars
Added sugars hide everywhere under alias names like cane juice, corn syrup, fruit juice concentrate, etc. Study up on the many names for sugar. Foods with extra sugars should occur sparingly in a mindful diet.
Watch Out For “Health Halo” Claims
Front-label claims like “healthy” or “natural” can create a false health halo effect. Judge a food by its ingredients and nutrition facts, not medicinal-sounding claims. Healthy eating means seeing through misleading marketing.
Limit Foods With Long Ingredient Lists
Heavily processed foods often have long lists of unrecognizable ingredients. Stick to whole foods with short, simple ingredients you understand. This cuts out chemical additives and preservatives that promote mindless eating.
Keep An Open Mind
Approach new foods with curiosity rather than judgment. Instead of rejecting items as “bad,” stay open and learn about them. With education, you can make mindful choices for your needs and goals.
Careful label reading combined with mindful eating gives you control over your diet. Always read beyond the claims and choose quality, nourishing ingredients. This simple habit enables mindful, empowered eating.
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(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L)
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