3 Things Destroying Your Mindset (And How to Turn it Around) 

Your mindset includes the beliefs, assumptions and attitudes that alter how you view reality and life experiences. A negative mindset distorts things in an unhelpful way and feels draining.

Here are 3 common mindset disruptors and how to course correct:

1. Judging Yourself and Others

Constantly criticizing yourself or others leads to feelings of shame, resentment, and disconnect.

Shift this by:

- Practicing self-compassion and inner empathy when you make a mistake

- Appreciating that all humans have flaws and weaknesses 

- Assuming good intent in others before judging them

- Focusing on seeing the good in people rather than nitpicking their faults

2. Worrying About the Future

Chronic worry and anxiety about what might happen fuels a mindset of lack, uncertainty and fear.

Shift this by:

- Bringing your attention back to the present moment using grounding techniques when anxious thoughts arise

- Limiting speculation - stick with factual evidence of the current situation

- Interrupting Alarmist Thinking - ask "What's most likely?" "How can I handle this?"

- Visualizing positive outcomes and taking constructive action towards goals

Photo by energepic.com

3. Dwelling on the Past

Ruminating on past disappointments, failed relationships, lost opportunities fosters regret, sadness and victimhood.

Shift this by:

- Practicing gratitude to focus on blessings in life right now rather than past hardships

- Using affirmations and perspective reframing to see past events as learning experiences

- Being compassionate to your past self - acknowledge past pain but don't obsess over it

- Setting goals for your present and future based on your values

- Letting go through mindfulness practices and living in the now

Our mindset evolves when we consciously question automatic negative thought patterns and choose to focus on possibilities, optimism and purposeful action. With regular practice shifting perspective, you create a mindset aligned with your best self.

In summary, limiting the unhealthy mental habits of harsh self-judgment, chronic worry, and rumination prevents your mindset from becoming skewed in an overly negative direction. Challenge critical inner voices, stay present, reframe how you view past events, and assume good intent in yourself and others. Implementing even small mindset adjustments accumulates into significant positive change over time.

See, it can be simple! If you’re looking to get healthier and need support, feel free to book a FREE 30-Minute Health Discovery session with me.

CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 30-Minute Health Discovery Session with me. I offer personalized coaching programs to help you meet your goals. Get ready to reset your health and feel your best!

Let's talk soon!

I have 3 different memberships to support your self-care, check these out here… https://www.drlaramay.com/memberships Whether you are looking for monthly energy healing, quarterly/seasonal detoxing, or monthly healthy eating recipes, I’ve got you covered.

If you are looking for more personalized help then you can take advantage of my Beta Life Coaching Program on sale right now for $160. 8 sessions in 8 weeks focused on whatever you need most. Here is the link to check it out… https://www.drlaramay.com/store/p/light-body-life-coaching-beta-tester

It is my privilege to be able to guide you along your healing journey. Please feel free to reply and let me know how I can be of service to you.



P.S.: Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page,  as well as YouTube, Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.

P.S.S.: Be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, or Anchor Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.


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Hi, I'm Lara!

(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L) 

Are you ready to lose weight, reduce stress, and reinvigorate your life?! Together let’s uncover your motivators for change, and turn your vision for your vibrant future into your new reality.



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with Dr. Lara May


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Lara May

Hi, I’m Lara May. I am a board certified clinical pharmacist, usui reiki master, and integrative health coach. 


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