9D Upgrade with the Council of Light
We asked to be surrounded by 100,000 Angels of the most pure love and light.
Surround us now with the divine white light, not to source
We ask that a gigantic ascension healing column of light open all around us around the room that we're in. We ask that this ascension column of light be connected to our monad and source to the entire cosmic and spiritual hierarchy. We asked to feel this oneness now that we are at our core connected to all living and energetic things we ask that all of the beautiful beings of love surrounding us now help us to raise our vibration help us to open our hearts open our minds open our willingness and our desire to be in alignment with divine love and light now
breathe relax.
Allow everything to melt away.
You have nowhere else to be that nothing else.
No one is wanting anything from you. Be Here Now breathing deeply into the rhythm of your breath.
The rhythm of your heartbeat.
We ask Archangel Metatron to bring down a Platinum NET from the Great Central Sun and sweep it over the entire Earth now through the entire universe, through our bodies through our minds through our homes, towns and communities, clearing cleansing and upgrading everything it touches now.
Photo by: soulsalight.com
We invoke the consciousness the presence and the power of the Great White ascension flame and the Temple of Luxor invoking and activating ancestral wisdom and energy expansion upgrading cleansing healing now across all time dimension spacing reality past present future and parallel
Call an archangel Michael and his entire reason of angels to surround us with a golden dome of protection. We ask that anything that is not in perfect alignment with this golden dome of protection to be transmuted, transformed, deleted and escorted away now you ask the only the highest and best to come through better than we could ever imagine. All we that have the most high divine love and light come through us now. Align with us now. Communicate with us
He asked for the highest best most loving guides to come through channeled through me now. For the highest and greatest good
For what we most need to know at this time on Earth today
Hello it is we the Council of lights. Council of the Ain and the Ain Soph Aur coming forward with your invitation today to bring you blessings and messages of love light joy, of illusion, expansion and optimism.
Know that you are on the path of growth. You are on the path of rebirth. You are on the path of moving through tumultuous times, moving through tumultuous energy in order to bring more light onto the planet into the planet, around every being on your planet now and to anchor this divine light into every cell of every being. Both animate and inanimate on planet Earth now, tuning into this message opening up to receive his energy and this message now means that you have said yes, you are open, you are ready, you are willing to step forward and be a beacon of light, a messenger of light and anchor of divine light and love. And the more souls and cells that this message reaches, the more light and the more love will be activated and anchored on and in the planet now. propelling the souls and planet earth into the new dimension into a new existence, of divine love in light. of Joy of Love acceptance, of courage, of integrity.
Breathe easily now and allow this light of the new dimension to wash over you now. Allow us the Council of light to sweep through you. Anchoring, activating upgrading
Expanding on all levels now. Just breathe. Tune into the shifts tune in to the openness feel the chords being cut, feel the contracts being concluded and deleted and transformed.
Feel the packs that you have made in the past be no longer relevant. Feel the freedom as it washes over you feel the relief feel the flow of life and love
Feel the opening of your potential. Feel the opening of your willingness feel the unfolding of your courage and your confidence in yourself as a light leader as a carrier of the Divine Light
Maybe you feel it with yourself flicker within your heart like a small candle flame as you breathe and relax, the flame gets bigger the light becomes stronger and greater. Flowing and pulsating through your body through your mind through your spirit through all of the energetic fields and layers of your being flowing gently and with long
Feel the pleasure of this energy washing over you feel the gratitude that is starting to bubble up for this awareness this experience this acknowledgement
We bring you this light from the ninth dimension and dimension nips. So, pure with lights, it is hard for your human minds to understand and imagine that in this space now of receiving, you have a deep understanding and acknowledgement of alignment with the ninth dimension of love and light.
Alignment with the Council of lights the Ain Soph & the Ain Soph Aur for surrounding you.
Support surrounding you with love washing away everything that is not in this vibration of the ninth dimension you're feeling light, floating and feeling at ease
You understand everything that is possible in the infinite potential of this world of this universe. And bringing down that infinite potential into the 3d into the five d into the realm of earth as it vibrates.
Now, you are a bridge from the high ninth dimension to the unfolding fifth dimension on Mother Earth now. Feel the flow feel the movement over this bridge Do not be afraid just breathe easily and deeply surrendering to the flow trusting that you are supported you are held in such sweet deep love.
This is not your first lifetime on this planet.
But also know that it is not exactly the past or past lives as you may have been told or taught previously that truly everything is parallel. So all of your so called past lives are happening right now. In concert with each other parallel with each other. And when you open up to receive this divine love is divine alignment. This shower of diamond white light and connection with the ascension flames. That you are cleansing and clearing all aspects of your soul all aspects of yourself and that's why when it is said Past, Present Future and parallel that is all simultaneous but it is an effort to help your human minds understand at all the different levels that this transformation is taking part in now.
Receive let go release all the sadness. Release all the trauma. Release all the control that you're trying to hold over your life and yourself.
Allow yourself to open up to receive and just be either vibration of love be the vibration of flow be the vibration of compassion be the vibration of non judgement release now all desires and attachments to judging and assuming and assigning blame or assigning roles and labels release it all now feel the lights when the divine flames of fire wash over you transmuting and transforming all these different vibrations now.
Photo by: https://pin.it/6KC2YYe
Into your mind's eye what colors do you see? What textures do you see? Do you see the beautiful translucent pastel rainbow of the ninth dimension of all the vibrations of light possible washing over you hatching every single molecule and atom within your DNA lighting it up rearranging what needs to be rearranged for your highest and greatest good releasing any and all imbalances releasing any and all inflammation and realigning with the beautiful Divine Alignment of sacred geometry that your 12 dimensional DNA is feel those shifts
Feel the settling into your true self, your Divine Self your aligned self the aspect of you that is one with everything truly throughout the universe feel how seamless you are a piece of the fabric of the universe vibration at this moment it is okay to allow yourself to be taken to other realms and dimensions of the parallel now.
Be open
For new awareness’s new lessons. New acknowledgments that you will be able to bring back into your earthly form to allow you to move forward in a different way be deeply while coming back into your body. Bring your awareness back to your heart space into your lungs, into your fingers and your toes.
We thank the Council of light, we thank the aim sofa and the aid soap or for coming forward today and showing us with this beautiful healing experience with this transformation of all that no longer serve for this download of awareness for this download of consciousness for this download of expansion and understanding. We asked to be able to move forward in these earthly vessels in our bodies with this new vibration, new awareness’s new understanding to be able to see through the eyes of love and compassion and know that whenever we need to, we are able to come back here open up, receive, elevate our energy and reconnect with the Council of light at anytime. Know that there is great love for you here. We are complete
If you enjoy this channeled message and you would like more and to work with me on a monthly basis within a group setting, I invite you to head over to my website Dr. Lara may.com. Forward slash memberships. And explore the energy vibe tribe membership where there is a monthly live healing session. And there's a recording so if you can't attend live, you'll receive the recording. And you may submit your intentions and healing wishes ahead of time. So that there is a level of personalization to the group healing. But that know that we also send out love and light to the entire planet. To all of the levels of upheaval and conflict across the planet. For the mission to bring peace and love not only into our own lives, but to all those that need it most. For the highest and greatest good. Working with the angelic realm, the galactic realm of divine love and light and any and all beings that vibrates at the most high level of Christ consciousness and pure love and deep compassion and understanding. I wish you to have a most peaceful and beautiful day.
I have 3 different memberships to support your self-care, check these out here… https://www.drlaramay.com/memberships Whether you are looking for monthly energy healing, quarterly/seasonal detoxing, or monthly healthy eating recipes, I’ve got you covered.
If you are looking for more personalized help then you can take advantage of my Beta Life Coaching Program on sale right now for $160. 8 sessions in 8 weeks focused on whatever you need most. Here is the link to check it out… https://www.drlaramay.com/store/p/light-body-life-coaching-beta-tester
It is my privilege to be able to guide you along your healing journey. Please feel free to reply and let me know how I can be of service to you.
P.S.: Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page, as well as YouTube, Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.
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