How to Be Productive In the Morning with a Routine
Everyone wants to be more productive, especially in the morning!
But the big question remains: how do you get that productivity down to a science rather than a constant trial and error?
Creating a solid morning routine is one of the simplest ways to start being more productive in every area of your life. As you develop a good morning routine, you’ll see your productivity start to rise.
Rather than just jumping in without a plan, productivity is all about creating a schedule and sticking to it! There’s no time like the present to get started indulging your productive side and learning to develop a good routine!
Get A Good Night's Sleep
The best morning routine starts the night before! Getting plenty of sleep each night, in both quality and quantity, gives you the energy you need to have the most productive day possible.
Allow for the full 8 hours of sleep each night. Rather than just going to bed when you feel tired, schedule your bedtime to ensure you can relax and get to sleep so you’ll have 8 hours of sleep each night.
Make sure the quality of sleep is pristine as well by making sure the temperature of your room is lower. The cooler your room, the better sleep you’ll get!
Photo by Cottonbro Studio
Skip the Snooze Button
When the alarm goes off, it’s very tempting to hit the snooze and go back to sleep again, no matter how early you need to be up. Instead of hitting the snooze button a million times and hoping you’ll be up in time or rushing to make it to work, skip that button!
As your alarm rings in the morning, jump out of bed and start your day! Being productive throughout the day starts with being active in your morning routine. Rather than rushing through your morning, getting up right away with the alarm gives you plenty of time to go through every area of your routine.
Drink Water in the Morning
Rather than jumping straight to that expensive coffee with all the sugar and toppings, start your day with some water. Getting hydrated in the morning starts your day off right!
The more hydrated you are, the easier it is to reach your goals and continue to be productive. If your body is out of whack and not feeling the best, hydrating it can help get you back on track. Starting with that hydration gives you a let up on the day!
Make Yourself Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and is one of the easiest ways to get started with your morning routine and keep yourself productive. There’s no reason to make anything too complicated, but a balanced, healthy breakfast is putting your best foot forward for the day.
Pausing over breakfast is simple but lets you stop and take stock of how the day will go before you dive in and get started. Don’t stress yourself over making a big breakfast, prep ahead of time and keep things simple!
Do a Quick Workout
Getting your body moving at any time of day is bound to increase your productivity but squeezing in a quick workout early on in your morning routine sets you up for success quickly!
Moving your body helps wake you up and gives you all the energy you need to get through the day. Rather than turning to energy drinks or loads of coffee, a simple workout wakes up your brain and body and helps you be more productive throughout the day.
Photo by Elina Fairytale
Create Space for Self-Care
Your morning routine is created to use the most of your time and not waste a second. But there’s still time in that time frame to make sure you care for yourself.
As you go through your routine, make it a point to take a time-out and focus just on yourself! There are a million little ways that you can incorporate self-care into your morning routine. Maybe you take time to pack your lunch or just take a few extra minutes in the shower. However, you decide to focus your self-care energy, be sure to take the time out for yourself!
Your morning routine dictates how the rest of your day goes! If you utilize the time you’re given in the morning well, the rest of your day will follow along with an abundance of productivity.
Creating a productive space is all about making sure your morning routine is tight-knit and ready for you each and every day. Getting in a short workout, drinking water first thing in the morning, and getting out of bed right when the alarm rings are all simple ways to create a morning routine that will eventually develop into lifelong productivity!
I have 3 different memberships to support your self-care, check these out here… Whether you are looking for monthly energy healing, quarterly/seasonal detoxing, or monthly healthy eating recipes, I’ve got you covered.
If you are looking for more personalized help then you can take advantage of my Beta Life Coaching Program on sale right now for $160. 8 sessions in 8 weeks focused on whatever you need most. Here is the link to check it out…
It is my privilege to be able to guide you along your healing journey. Please feel free to reply and let me know how I can be of service to you.
P.S.: Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page, as well as YouTube, Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.
P.S.S.: Be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, or Anchor Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.
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Hi, I'm Lara!
(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L)
Are you ready to lose weight, reduce stress, and reinvigorate your life?! Together let’s uncover your motivators for change, and turn your vision for your vibrant future into your new reality.
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