Eating Clean to Cleanse Your Body

Many people are looking for ways to hit the reset button and get a fresh start on their health. Cleansing programs promise to rid the body of toxins and leave you feeling revitalized. But are juice cleanses, colonics or detox supplements necessary for a true reset? The simple truth is that eating clean, whole foods is the most effective and sustainable cleanse of them all. Read on to learn why a clean eating regime nourishes your body from the inside out.

Fill Up on Phytonutrients

Phytonutrients or plant compounds like antioxidants give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors. They also provide deep cleansing benefits. By scavenging damaging free radicals, phytonutrients protect cells against oxidative stress. They stimulate the liver’s detoxification enzymes, enhance toxin elimination, curb inflammation and optimize immune function. Aim to fill half your plate with a rainbow of antioxidant-rich produce at each meal. Great choices include leafy greens, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, avocado, mushrooms and more.

Increase Your Fiber

A high-fiber diet is essential for keeping your digestive system running smoothly. Fiber acts as an internal broom, sweeping debris out of the GI tract. It also feeds gut bacteria, which play numerous cleansing roles like protecting intestinal barrier function. Make sure to get both soluble fiber from oats, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, fruits and some vegetables as well as insoluble fiber from whole grains, brown rice, bran, nuts and vegetable skins. Gradually increase fiber intake to allow your body time to adjust.

Stay Hydrated

Water is nature’s cleanser. Adequate hydration keeps things moving through the intestines and flushes waste products out through the kidneys and liver. Water also carries nutrients to cells, aids digestion, cushions joints, regulates temperature and metabolism and more. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day. Adding lemon, mint or cucumber provides antioxidant power. Limit caffeine and alcohol, which act as diuretics and deplete hydration.

Cut Down on Meat

Too much meat, especially processed and factory-farmed varieties, can impose a heavy toxic load on the body. Meat sources commonly contain hormones, antibiotics and other chemical residues as well as inflammatory fats. Lighten up your diet by building more plant-based meals centered on veggies, fruits, legumes, whole grains and healthy fats. If you do eat meat, stick with organic, pasture-raised sources in modest portions a few times a week.

Photo by Vanessa Loring

Avoid Sugar and Refined Foods

From soft drinks to cereals, snacks and desserts, much of the modern American diet contains hidden sugars and refined carbohydrates. These overly processed “empty calorie” foods provide no nutrition and spike blood sugar, which triggers inflammatory pathways, oxidative stress and nitric oxide depletion. Excess sugar also feeds harmful gut bacteria linked to leaky gut, obesity, diabetes and autoimmunity. To keep your body clean, bypass refined grains, sweets, juice, soda, junk foods and most packaged products.

Cook at Home

Preparing your own meals at home gives you full control over ingredients. Restaurant fare and packaged convenience foods almost always contain more sugar, sodium, additives, modified fats and chemical preservatives than food made from scratch. Home cooking allows you to emphasize wholesome ingredients like antioxidant spices, apple cider vinegar, bone broth, garlic, lemon juice and fresh herbs to infuse meals with detoxifying nutrients. It’s worth the small extra effort for cleaner eating.

Don’t Forget Healthy Fats

Despite their bad reputation, healthy fats are necessary for cleansing and resetting the body. They provide energy, absorb key fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, form the basis of cell membranes, balance hormones, calm inflammation and promote satiety. Focus on plant-based and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats like avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds. Minimize pro-inflammatory omega-6 oils found in fried foods and most packaged goods.

Photo by Karina Shilongo

Reduce Toxic Exposures

Poor diet is not the only source of bodily toxins. Chemicals lurk in conventional personal care products, household cleaners, air fresheners, furniture, carpets, nonstick and plastic kitchenware, tap water, some supplements and many medications. Minimize this toxic load by opting for pure, plant-based soaps, lotions, laundry detergents and cleaning supplies without added scents or chemicals whenever possible. Filter drinking and bathing water. Ventilate your home frequently.

Embrace Exercise

Regular exercise provides a deep cleansing effect by improving circulation, eliminating metabolic waste via sweating, reducing inflammation and boosting glutathione, the body’s “master” antioxidant. Any movement counts but aim for a mix of cardio, flexibility and strength training. Always drink extra fluids before, during and after workouts. Consider sauna use for deeper sweat-based detoxification.

Bottom Line

True cleansing and health resetting stems from how you nourish and care for your body every day, not quick fixes. By filling your plate with natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich whole foods, staying hydrated, avoiding toxins and exercising, you’ll give your body what it needs to detoxify itself on an ongoing basis. No drastic cleanses are required!

If you need help transitioning to clean eating habits and a lifestyle that supports optimal health, CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 30-Minute Health Discovery Session with me. I offer personalized coaching programs to help you meet your goals. Get ready to reset your health and feel your best!

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I have 3 different memberships to support your self-care, check these out here… Whether you are looking for monthly energy healing, quarterly/seasonal detoxing, or monthly healthy eating recipes, I’ve got you covered.

If you are looking for more personalized help then you can take advantage of my Beta Life Coaching Program on sale right now for $160. 8 sessions in 8 weeks focused on whatever you need most. Here is the link to check it out…

It is my privilege to be able to guide you along your healing journey. Please feel free to reply and let me know how I can be of service to you.



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P.S.S.: Be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, or Anchor Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.


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Hi, I'm Lara!

(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L) 

Are you ready to lose weight, reduce stress, and reinvigorate your life?! Together let’s uncover your motivators for change, and turn your vision for your vibrant future into your new reality.



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Lara May

Hi, I’m Lara May. I am a board certified clinical pharmacist, usui reiki master, and integrative health coach.

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