Why Taking Time Out to Be By Yourself Is So Important
Taking time out for yourself is one of the most important aspects of self-care. You need to find time in your day to relax, unwind, and recharge before anything else. Even if you’re busy with work or family life, giving yourself time to relax can help you fulfill your responsibilities more efficiently and without stress. This guide will help you find the time to relax along with tips for what to do during your short breaks.
Finding Time for Yourself
Whether you work in an office all day or are at home taking care of kids, it’s important to find at least 15 minutes to give yourself some breathing space. At work, you can wait for a lunch break to sneak to your car or a quiet space outside. At home, wait for your partner or kids to calm down before focusing on yourself. Once you have a few minutes without excessive distractions, you can then utilize the following tips to make the most of your time.
Focus on Your Breathing
When alone, focus on your breath and posture to completely relax yourself. Inhale slowly and deeply, and then exhale completely to feel at ease. This will help to calm your mind and body very quickly, and it can give you a lot of energy later in the day.
A Short Activity
Even if you’re pressed for time, you can find ways to get in a quick exercise to stay healthy and calm your nerves. Choose to walk to the store instead of driving, or quietly jog in place if you can’t go outside. Stretch your body, shake out your limbs, and get your blood flowing so you can stay loose and calm throughout the day.
Read Something Special
Keep a small book of poetry or prose nearby so you can dip into it when given the time. A well-written poem can liven your spirits and give you the perfect boost throughout an otherwise monotonous day. If you prefer, you can also choose something like a crossword puzzle or sudoku.
Buy Yourself Something Nice
You don’t have to buy yourself something expensive, but treat yourself to something nice every now and then to boost your mood. It could be dark chocolate or a cute keychain. You could even buy yourself a beautiful postcard to pin on a wall at home. Give yourself gifts and treat yourself with love to always have the best mood possible.
Practice Positive Thinking
It’s easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking throughout the day, but it’s extremely important to break that trap before it becomes self-fulfilling. Instead of worrying about errands, chores, or work, think about how nice it will be to complete your tasks. You’ll have to complete them anyway, so it’s better to think of the positives instead of the dull negatives. Instead of worrying about how long a project will take, try to imagine how pleasant it will be to complete it.
By following these tips, you’ll be able to take time for yourself throughout the day without worries. Give yourself a gift every once in a while, and do something positive for yourself whether it’s thinking happy thoughts or getting in a small amount of exercise. Once you make a habit of this, you’ll be able to see the positive results immediately!
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It is my privilege to be able to guide you along your healing journey. Please feel free to reply and let me know how I can be of service to you.
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(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L)
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