Two Scientifically Proven Weight Loss Tips
Everyone’s always on the hunt for the quickest and simplest way to lose weight and keep it off. The only problem? Most of the tips you see smeared all over the internet are a sham! But there are a few scientifically proven weight loss tips that help you shed the pounds and keep them off for good!
The key to any tip to lose weight is consistency and drive. Don’t keep putting off until tomorrow what you can start on today!
Diet and Exercise Go Hand-In-Hand
What you eat and how you work out go hand in hand when you’re trying to lose weight and keep it off. There are all kinds of diets and foods out there that promise to help you lose weight fast, but you can’t diet your way to good, healthy weight loss without shedding a little sweat.
Exercise feels like the quickest cheat code to shedding those pounds! After all, if you just hit the gym 2 or 3 times a day and start running miles on end, the weight will fall away, right?
You can’t outrun a bad diet. The food you eat fuels your exercise routine and helps you keep the weight off when you work out.
Ensuring that your diet and exercise routine work together instead of against each other is one of the simplest ways to lose weight and keep it off for good. Take a look at what kind of workout you want to do and build a meal plan to support it.
Be sure that your meal plan includes plenty of good protein, fruits, veggies, and complex carbs. Stay clear of processed foods as much as possible and limit the amount of sugar you take in. All those foods you eat will be burned off when you work out, so be sure you’re choosing foods that are the best burning and most optimal fuel for your body!
Eat Plenty of Protein
When it comes right down to it, calories are calories. Whether they’re in diet foods or just your favorites, they add up and can quickly be turned into fat if you’re not eating the right kind of foods for your meal plan.
Eating more protein helps your body feel fuller for longer! When you fill-up on protein or pack it into your regular meals, you won’t feel those cravings for other types of sugary or high fat foods later on in the day.
Protein is also one of the key building blocks for your lean muscle mass. The more you work out and eat right, the more lean muscle mass you’ll build! Those muscles actually burn up the calories more quickly than fat and even start to dig into those stubborn fat stores that always seem to linger. The more muscle you have, the quicker you’ll burn off fat and keep it off.
The combination of building lean muscle mass and helping you stay fuller for longer helps you make good choices throughout the day and continue to burn fat even when you’re at rest!
Photo by Lum3n
Every diet is going to promise that it will help you lose weight and keep it off for good, but many of them are just shams. There are only a few things that can help you shed those unwanted pounds and keep them off!
Letting your diet and exercise plans work together is key. There’s no way to outrun a bad diet or choose only foods that will actually have you shedding pounds. Making smart choices can have you building muscle and continuing to burn fat even while at rest!
All it takes is a little effort!
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Hi, I'm Lara!
(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L)
Are you ready to lose weight, reduce stress, and reinvigorate your life?! Together let’s uncover your motivators for change, and turn your vision for your vibrant future into your new reality.
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