Holiday Survival Series Part1: The Morning Habit That Has Changed My Life

The holiday season is upon us, and probably just accepting that fact brings on a wave of anxiety, dread, and hopefully a little excitement. But this year let me help you face the holidays with grace and ease.

I am hosting an entire Holiday Survival Series to help you avoid the stress, stick with your healthy eating, and come out the other end feeling great! I invite you this season to be willing to open up to the possibilities of eating healthy, not getting super stressed, and over all feeling more at ease over the next two months. I am dedicating my blog and podcast to holiday thriving. I am also offering a special two-month group coaching program for those of you who are ready to say no to the chaos and no to the overindulging. Holiday Thrivival, will be two months of clean eating, gut healing, personal help, greater accountability, all in a loving supportive environment dedicated to your success through the holiday season. Learn more here.

Ok, now that you know what’s coming up, let’s get into todays survival part 1.

Let me tell you a story…

I used to hate the holidays. I was always super stressed. I hated shopping with crowded streets and stores, rude shoppers, etc. There was never enough time to get it all done. And at the end of the season, I felt depleted, worried about money, and my body felt like crap from too much holiday fare. Ugh!

Fast forward to today…

I approach the holidays like I do all the other aspects of my life, with ease and a calm knowing that whatever happens, it won’t be the end of the world. These days I have a dedicated meditation practice that has changed my life forever.

Meditation can have a very positive effect on our attitude towards daily life and can improve the overall quality of our life if practiced consistently.  I take time every morning to quiet my mind and prepare for the day. It soothes my nerves and helps stave off the stress that inevitably tries to creep in. Less stress often means more positive feelings and ease in general.

I have found that meditation has helped my physical health as well; since practicing regular meditation, I have experienced less illness and more energy. Who wouldn’t want that during the holidays? or every day? Additionally, meditation may help lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, regulate the heart and respiratory rates, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote better overall wellbeing.

There is a variety of meditating techniques you can try. Concentration meditation focuses on a single point, like a candle flame, while mindful meditation is intended to help control wandering thoughts.

Here are 5 pointers to get you started, so that you, too, can reap the benefits of a regular meditation practice:

1.    Choose a Suitable Time

Meditation is intended to be a time of relaxation, so try to choose a time that is convenient for you and won’t be interrupted. I have found that morning is the best time for me, before the craziness of the day gets in my way. Maybe, your lunch break is the best time for you. Whatever it is, pick it and stick with it. Daily at the same time every day.

2.    Find a Peaceful Place

Your meditation area should be peaceful and quiet to allow you to concentrate. It can be your bed if you are meditating upon first waking or before sleep. Or you can create a sacred altar space in your home somewhere that is calming, inviting, and just for you in this practice. It can also be outside if you are like me and like to meditate in nature.

3.    Sit in a Comfortable Posture

Your posture makes a huge difference, so make sure it is proper yet comfortable. Sit straight with your spine erect and legs crossed, keeping shoulders and neck relaxed and your eyes closed throughout your session. Get whatever props you need ahead of time so are prepared with fewer distractions.

4.    Meditate on an Empty Stomach

The best time to meditate is before meals because digestion can make you drowsy; you don't want to fall asleep during your meditation! (unless you are meditating before bed, of course) However, make sure you are not starving, either; a hungry stomach can be a huge distraction.

5.    Start with a Warm-Up Session and Deep Breathing

Warm-up exercises will help you achieve better results. Try some small stretches, brief, 30-second concentration periods, or light a candle or incense, just something to help prepare your mind for focus. Deep breathing is a great way to start. Take full, deep breaths. Strive for mindfulness, really concentrating on each breath as it enters and leaves your body.  In the yogic tradition, meditation comes after the movement asanas. The movement helps prepare the body and mind for the stillness required for meditation.

Ok, now that you have your time, place, and prep work done, let’s figure out how you would like to meditate. If you are new, I encourage you to keep trying until you find a style that works for you.

3 Meditation Techniques

Here is a brief introduction to three different meditation techniques:

1.    Walking Meditation

If sitting for long periods of time doesn't appeal to you, you can try walking meditation. The goal is to focus on your body while you move. Pay attention to the swing of your arms and how your legs feel with each step. Feel the breath in your body and note how your feet rise and touch the ground.   

2.    Breathing Meditation

In your comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe slowly through your nose, then hold your breath for 2-4 seconds. Exhale again slowly through your mouth, trying to make the exhale twice as long as the inhale. Make sure as you inhale your belly extends and as you exhale your belly contracts.

3.    Mindfulness Meditation

This requires your mind to be in the moment. Start by focusing on your breath, then begin to notice other sensations throughout your body. Just be the observer. No judgment. You are the watcher of you.

Meditation has changed my life and my attitude, and I know you will feel the difference, too. Start out small, just a few minutes a day, and gradually work your way up to more time. The important thing is to be deliberate about making the time. Your body and mind will thank you!

I hope this little burb inspires you to implement a more nurturing practice into your day. Remember, it’s not about being perfect, it’s just about much we can stay in alignment. I am here for you, just a message or email away. Reach out with your questions.

For more information about my Holiday Thrivival Program click here.


-   Dr. Lara


Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page,  as well as Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.

PSS be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean or Anchor.Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.

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Lara May

Hi, I’m Lara May. I am a board certified clinical pharmacist, usui reiki master, and integrative health coach.

Holiday Survival Guide Part 2: How to do a One-Day Mini Detox


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